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How to Apply for a Merchant Account

A merchant account can be the best way to help you accept payments and grow your business. Fewer and fewer customers want to pay with cash or checks; they want to use credit or debit cards. With a merchant account, you will be able to accept these payments, which may help you to earn more…

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Can I Accept Credit Cards on a Smartphone?

The ability to accept credit cards using a smartphone may be exactly what your business is looking for. Small businesses can use this tool to help them make sales when they go to events or when they do not have a traditional brick and mortar store. This can be a useful tool to expand your…

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Credit Card Processing for a Home-Based Business

Getting paid by credit card can make your home-based business more attractive to many customers. They can appreciate all of the convenience when it is time to charge their purchases and studies show that you can see your sales increase by 500% or more. Your ability to accept credit cards can also give your business…

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What is an Internet Merchant Account?

A merchant account is a special type of bank account that will allow your business to accept credit card payments. It involves an agreement between a retailer, a merchant bank, and a payment processor to settle all of the transactions done by these cards. And an internet merchant account is any merchant account that has…

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Getting High-Volume Payment Processing

All businesses come with risks. Understanding those risks can help you plan around potential problems and succeed. Risks are also calculated when a business owner applies for an internet merchant account to establish how risky taking on a business is for the payment processor. Many business owners want to have high-volume payment processing to process…

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How to Get a Merchant Account With Bad Credit

Every business owner has goals when opening a business and many things can stand in the way of achieving those goals. A bad credit score can impact your life in countless ways, including when opening up a business. Getting loans and internet merchant services can seem more challenging with bad credit. Knowing how to get…

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Accepting eChecks to Grow Your Business

Many businesses know that an internet merchant service can process credit card payments. Less well-known is that an eCheck account can allow your business to accept checks online or by telephone. eCheck payment processing can be a necessity for many businesses to run successfully. An eCheck is a form of payment that transfers money from…

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