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Credit Card Processing is Essential for your Online Business

Customer habits and purchasing behavior aren’t what they used to be even just five years ago. Many giant brands have closed up shop or switched to online retail. As the big names bite the dust, the reasons aren’t hard to find. How We’ve Changed Purchasing habits have altered dramatically and businesses haven’t been able to…

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Accept Credit Card Payments to Expand Your Customer Base

The basics of business are to provide a product or service and receive profitable payments. And to ensure said profit, you have price your offerings higher than your expenses, while keeping them at a figure customers are willing to pay. Beyond that, you need to tell potential customers about your products / services, and encourage…

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Credit Card Processing for your Fast Food Restaurant

They say the food business is a good business, because people will always have to eat. By this standard, fast food can be the most lucrative type of all. People flock to you for quick, convenient food, whether it’s a busy mother’s post-day-care drive-by, or partying college kids in search of late-night fries. Fast food…

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Does my Business Need to be PCI Compliant?

The short answer is Yes! As a small business owner, PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance may seem like just one more hurdle to be crossed and one more set of regulations to stick to, but it’s much more. Non-compliance doesn’t just attracts penalties and fines, it can seriously impact your brand, reputation and customer loyalty.…

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Credit Card Processing for Small Businesses in Missouri

Human nature is a curious thing. It’s driven by comparison, both negative and positive. But because these judgements are rarely objective, we assume others have it better than us. It’s why many city residents are wistful about living in a small town. They long for the clean air, friendly neighbors, and the ability to leave…

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Accepting Credit Card Payments – is it Safe?

Customers love having a wider range of payment options when they get to the checkout station. Though there has been a sea-change in the way businesses accept payments, many small business owners still buck the trend and refuse to accept credit cards for a variety of reasons. This can cost them in terms of brand…

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Want to Generate More Sales? Consider Credit Card Processing

Small business owners have begun to realize that customers love plastic! Cash is cumbersome and unsafe, while checks are nearly on their way out. Apart from these obvious benefits, card users can avail themselves of a dazzling array of freebies, discounts, rewards and points on shopping, dining out, entertainment, streaming, travel, and more. That’s often…

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Keep Your Customers Satisfied by Accepting Credit Cards

What’s a customer looking for when they visit your store or approach you for business? They want goods or services, of course. But there ,ay be hundreds of other businesses with the same offerings. Why should they come to you specifically? It could be because they like you and your prices. Or because you offer…

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