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E-commerce Credit Card Processing

One Solution to Do it All!

A computer with an eCommerce credit card processing service on it

If you are an E entrepreneur with an e-commerce store, you probably need a Merchant Account provided by a processor with your best interest at heart.  Allowing customers the ability to pay using their debit or credit card is not only great business sense, but also expected by e-commerce shoppers.

During the last few years, the web has gained an inextinguishable predominance in our lives, making it an immensely promising platform for retail businesses to connect with their target customers. However, in order to succeed in the objective and garner the trust of target customers, retailers need a reliable and efficient e-commerce credit card processing solution. That is precisely what we promise. Leveraging extensive experience in the payment processing business, we have created a solution that abolishes all common hurdles faced by online retail entities.

Gone are the days when you had to use multiple systems to manage transactions from different channels. presents to you an all-in-one e-commerce merchant processing solution that enables you to monitor and manage transactions from diverse touch points with exceptional ease, including your e-commerce website. Hence, if you leverage multiple procurement channels to sell your solutions, you get to save a substantial amount of money as you are no longer required to hire multiple providers for payment processing.

How is the credit card payment is processed?

Ecommerce credit card processing is one of the most valuable services that you need to take if you are establishing an online business portal. You will have stopped more than 80% of your total sales if you do not accept the credit cards or online purchase. To accept online payments, you need to establish a secure gateway and deal with a reliable payment processing called the 'third party'. If you do this, you will not only have a successful online business, but also save yourself and your customer from any fraudulent act associated with the credit card and its use.

After the payment gateway is established you are ready to accept the credit card for the business in exchange for the goods and the services offered by your website. When the customer uses the card, the information about the credit card will pass to the processor through the secure internet connection. Credit card processing services is simply data routing that happens to occur while the customer uses his card to purchase. After the information reaches the network, the client's credit card gets debited, and the business account of your online shop is credited with the same amount. However, the gateway will charge some amount of money for the service offered.

Thus, ecommerce credit card processing is a substantial way to welcome a number of customers into your fold. Secure payment gateway means secure transaction and the secure transaction will drive more customer into the business. After all, they are looking for an easy and safe way to make the business transaction.

Reliable E-commerce Credit Card Processing

Payment processing is a pivotal component of your retail website, and therefore, it becomes essential to ensure that the solution you use promises unimpeachable security. At, we completely understand the significance to ensure complete security of your customer data. That is the reason every transaction you process through our solution is SSL secured, guaranteeing unimpeachable data security. That is one of the reasons is a trusted name for e-commerce credit card processing.

 Need More Reasons to Choose Us?

  • Zero Setup and Application Fee
  • Round the Clock Technical Support

  • Free Software and Card Terminal
  • Free E-commerce Shopping Cart
  • Reasonable Processing Fees
  • No Hidden Charges


  • SSL Secured Transactions
  • FDIC Insured Funds

To summarize, it would be safe to say that if you are looking for a reliable e-commerce credit card processing solution without having to break the bank, your search ends at!