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What is an Independent Sales Organization?

Internet merchant services are essential additions to any business. Without this service, a business cannot accept credit card and debit card payments on their websites. Providers of these services may also provide the ability to process payments from echecks and other eCommerce methods, and providing advertising and hardware services, among many other features. An independent…

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CC Payment Gateways vs Online Merchant Accounts

Credit card payment gateways (or cc payment gateways) are both crucial to accepting credit cards online. A merchant account is a special kind of bank account that enables businesses to accept deposits from customers’ credit card accounts. A payment gateway is a portal that communicates between the Internet and the traditional banking network, sending the…

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Internet Merchant Accounts for High-Risk Businesses

Businesses that are classified as “high risk” for credit card processing may already know how difficult it can be to secure an internet merchant account in order to process their customers’ payments in an inexpensive and effective way. On the other hand, some of these businesses may not necessarily be aware of all of the…

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What is a Payment Gateway for Business?

With an internet merchant account, a business can process customers’ credit cards and debit cards in an online store, as well as other types of eCommerce payment methods. A credit card payment gateway (or “cc payment gateway”) protects customers’ payment information and keeps their personal data secure. Business owners that are looking for the best…

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What is High-Risk eCheck Processing for Business?

Businesses increasingly need to accept online payments. Products and services that used to be sold through a conventional POS (point of sale) systems have moved to online payment processing systems. This shift occurred gradually at first, and has speeded up substantially, partly as a result of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns. This means that stores that…

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Is eCheck Safe? Know the Risks

Written checks have fallen by the wayside in terms of popular payment methods. But eChecks are more popular than ever. Accordingly, businesses that have integrated online payment methods into their infrastructure–and those that haven’t really should–may be concerned about the safety of eChecks for their customers’ sensitive financial information. There are a few reasons that…

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Ecommerce Credit Card Processors: What Businesses Should Know

Ecommerce is the name of the game in online business. The COVID-19 lockdown accelerated a process already underway, which now emphasizes online payment more than face-to-face transactions. Businesses that haven’t yet evolved an eCommerce component could fall behind further even after quarantine lifts. Financial experts agree that this experienced has likely permanently convinced many customers…

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Can a Business Get an Internet Merchant Account with Bad Credit?

Internet merchant accounts allow businesses to process online transactions from their customers by credit card. Businesses that are unable to offer this service run the risk of looking unprofessional and losing sales by failing to offer customers the payment options they need. When the right merchant account provider is selected, an internet merchant account will…

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