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Accepting eChecks to Grow Your Business

Many businesses know that an internet merchant service can process credit card payments. Less well-known is that an eCheck account can allow your business to accept checks online or by telephone. eCheck payment processing can be a necessity for many businesses to run successfully.

An eCheck is a form of payment that transfers money from one bank account directly to another, just like a regular paper check, but without that piece of paper. Adding these services to a merchant account can benefit almost any business, because some potential customers may not have a credit card or may have reached their monthly limit. Businesses that depend on large money transfers can require eCheck services, because merchant accounts generally have a maximum transaction size. Additionally, eChecks are a great alternative for businesses that have difficulty being approved to accept credit cards, because it is much easier to be approved for an eCheck account than to be approved for a merchant account. These kinds of businesses can include debt collection or online pharmacies.

An eCheck account can process eCheck payments quickly and securely, no matter the size of the payment. Your business won’t ever again have to worry about customers claiming that “the check is in the mail.” eCheck services area a secure and reliable form of payment. 

What Are eChecks?

eChecks are a common form of payment. Many people use eChecks to make house payments and pay some kinds of debt. Using eChecks can be easier and safer than using regular paper checks, because you don’t have to write the check and mail it to the business, and it can sometimes be easier to intercept a paper check than an eCheck.

Instead, a customer can use their banking information to make payments. You don’t need physical paper checks to complete payments, and as long as the business has an eCheck account, that payment will be processed. eChecks work on the ACH network to transfer money.

eCheck Processing

Some businesses rely on eCheck services to complete payments. Annual memberships, rent payments, and individual purchases can all be paid with eChecks. Regardless of the size of an eCheck payment, it can be processed securely and quickly. With an eCheck account combined with a credit card merchant account, your business can process payments in different ways to help your customers make the right kind of payment.

This payment is fast and secure. Banking information is important to keep secure, and an eCheck account from the right merchant account provider will ensure that this information stays safe, giving your customers the option to make payments the way they want to.


eCheck services can be a valuable way to complete payments depending on the kind of business. Using banking information, payment can be completed electronically without needing a physical paper check. An eCheck account can process eCheck payments for your business quickly and securely. You and your customers can count on this fast, secure, reliable, and efficient processing for all kinds of payments.

To start accepting eChecks or to sign up for a merchant account, you can visit or call (888)924-2743. No matter what you sell, can help your business grow and succeed.

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