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60% of US Consumers Use Cards vs. Cash – Here’s Why

When Frank McNamara first invented the modern credit card, he clearly had a vision. But it’s unlikely they expected it to replace cash. It’s not quite there yet, but it’s certainly getting closer, now that 3 out of 5 consumers would rather swipe. Every user has their reasons for preferring credit cards, and a lot…

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Accepting Credit Card Payments is Essential to the Success of Your Small Business

When starting out in business, owners often want the simplest and cheapest systems they can find. So they’ll accept only cash payments and avoid outsourcing essential services. Ironically, these cost-saving measures might keep those businesses small forever. Since they’re not thinking big, they’re limiting their potential income, so they won’t have the scope or funds…

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Why Your Growing Business Should Accept Credit Card Payments

Avoid growing pains by adopting the right credit card acceptance strategy. A recent study showed that approximately 83% of small business owners expect to expand in 2019. The payment landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years and has managed to keep pace with the tech boom. Accordingly, most small business owners today are…

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Credit Card Processing for Your Comic Book Store

Once upon a time, people thought comic books (and videogames) were just for kids. But, just like Generation X before them, the millennial generation have also carried many of their childhood loves into adulthood. So it’s just as common to see a thirty-, forty-, or fifty-year-old in a comic book store as a teenager or…

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Say Yes to Credit Card Payments, and Say Yes to Improved Cash Flow

You’ve closed the sale–but that doesn’t mean that you have the cash. Why? Your money could be stuck in late payments, forgotten instalments, and checks ‘in the mail’. This means that when you get those payments that do eventually come through, they can sometimes immediately get swallowed up in expenses. These can include delivery rates,…

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What Is A Card-Not-Present Transaction?

Ordinarily, when you buy an item (or when a customer buys something from your store), you swipe a card through a POS terminal. With EMV cards, you have to stick the card in and pause a beat so the system can generate a one-time encryption code. It can take noticeably longer than swiping, but not…

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What to Look for in Credit Card Processing for Small Businesses

Shoppers and customers may be shocked to learn that nearly 55% of small businesses in the United States don’t accept credit card payments. This can impact customer behavior and also cause frustration and disappointment in consumers. Many small business owners shy away from offering this facility because they feel that credit card processing charges could…

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Quick Guide to Credit Card Processing

What exactly goes on behind the scenes when you swipe? It’s not crucial information for customers, but it’s something business owners need to know–especially if you don’t accept credit cards. You may have heard accepting cards will boost overall sales, and it will increase individual customer spending too. So the main reason you might be…

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What Is An Acquiring Bank?

An acquiring bank is a bank that provides a merchant account to businesses that accept credit cards, and provide the money when a customer uses their credit card for goods or services. Before your small business can begin accepting payments from customers, you ultimately have to work with a an acquiring bank. It’s also known…

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