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How Secure are ACH Payments?

To be reassured that ACH payments are secure, let’s first understand what they are. Automated Clearing House or ACH payments are payments made through a federally regulated electronic network used by financial institutions to send and receive financial transactions. An ACH processes large volumes of credit and debit transactions in batches, including direct deposits, payroll…

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ACH Payments vs. Wire Transfers vs. EFT Payments

You may have heard the terms ACH, wire transfer and EFT, but are still unsure what they mean exactly, and how they differ from each other. In terms of straightforward definitions, you have the ACH which stands for Automatic Clearing House, and EFT which stands for Electronic Funds Transfer. To start off, we’re going to…

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What are ACH Payments and Should I Accept Them?

As a business, you may think you should accept whatever form of payment your customers prefer. After all, it ensures that you get paid, right? Well, in theory, yes. But in reality, you’re unlikely to accept a barter trade in the 21st century, so when a client suggests a method you haven’t tried before, you…

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Tips for Safer Mobile Payments

The mobile phone has become a veritable technological Swiss army knife. Nowadays, smartphone owners can even use their device to make payments using Apple or Android Pay. The device stores payment information, and then it can be used for contactless payments at appropriate point-of-sale terminals. The payment information is encrypted, and it’s very hard for…

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How to Make Payments Easier for Your Customers

When people first started exchanging goods and services, they used barter trade, which was a challenge. After all, how do you decide how many bags of salt or heads of cattle are equivalent to an hour’s use of your swimming pool?  Once precious stones and metals became forms of exchange, it was easier to gauge,…

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Which is the Best Payment Gateway for Me?

A payment gateway is used to validate the credit card details of a customer in a secure manner. It is considered the equivalent of a point of sale terminal in a brick and mortar store, except that it’s for online transactions. The gateway will pass the customer’s financial information from the Internet to the banking…

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PCI Compliance and Payment Gateway

PCI compliance can be daunting, but if you are a business accepting credit card payments, there’s no way around it. Some business owners think that with the proper gateway, PCI compliance is no longer necessary. Unfortunately, that is not the case. PCI compliance mostly takes place within your server system, and it provides guidelines for…

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Fraud is Evolving; So Should Your Data Security.

As the world advances, so does the criminal element. Just like every gun invites the development of bulletproof clothing, every fraud detection method prompts unsavory characters to try and get round it. Stay on top of things by reading widely and keeping in touch with industry security networks, and learn how to safeguard your company…

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A Seamless Checkout To Prevent Revenue Loss

A seamless checkout process has been shown to increase conversion rates. However, streamlining the checkout process has to be done carefully while keeping PCI compliance standards in mind. After all, it won’t do you much good to increase conversions, if you also wind up bogged down with fraud charges and fees, acceptance rates, damage to…

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How Do I Get My Online Business PCI Compliant?

Becoming PCI compliant can increase your customers’ trust in your brand, and encourage more online purchases. However, achieving PCI compliance can be a confusing process. This article will look at the basics of getting your online business to be PCI compliant. Typically, you will have received a welcome message when you first signed up for your…

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