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Do I need an SSL certificate for my online store?

Setting up an e-commerce site can involve a lot of new terminology and aspects you’ve never heard of before, such SSL or HTTPS. If you are new to e-commerce or to setting up a website in general, these terms can be baffling, but it is important not to ignore them. Making sure you know what…

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Why do I Need to Apply to get a Merchant Account?

As a business person with a commercial online presence, you need a merchant account. It allows you to accept payments on your website, so that customers can buy from you directly. There are various situations where this is necessary. For example, if your clients are overseas, web purchases might be the only way they can…

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What is a Payment Processor, Exactly?

When you’re running a business, your primary goal is to make a profit. And in order to earn these proceeds, you need to receive payments from your customers. At the most basic level, customers pay for your goods and services in cash. One step above that is the card or check payment, and more recently,…

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Getting a Merchant Account for a Seasonal Business

My business is seasonal – does this play a role in my merchant account application acceptance? Some businesses do not operate year-round and only open their doors during certain seasons. Some businesses that do run throughout the year have certain times and seasons when they are in higher demand or have smaller branch-off businesses for…

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What Equipment do I Need to Open a Merchant Account?

Opening a merchant card service account has little to do with what equipment you have initially, and more to do with what type of business you run, your customer base and your market risk standing. As with any long-term service, you will complete an application form that will include certain relevant information and will be…

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What are Chargeback Fees?

One of the most stressful aspects of accepting card payments is getting a chargeback. This is the technical term for a payment reversal that was not initiated by the merchant. It happens when a customer has paid using a credit or debit card, but for any of a variety of reasons, the bank ‘reverses’ the…

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