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Credit Card Processing for Your Curio Shop

Businesses operate on varying models. High-end products and services bill seemingly impossible prices. These types of businesses don’t expect a lot of daily sales. But if they get one sale per week, it’s enough to cover their overheads and still offer a hefty profit. Other businesses operate on volumes. They have massive sales numbers, with…

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Businesses of all Sizes Can Accept Credit Card Payments

Credit card payments are one of the most popular payment methods available for both small and large businesses. They cover e-commerce businesses and traditional retail stores. Previously the facility of processing credit card payments was reserved for big businesses that transacted large volumes of sales and could settle the cost of running a credit card…

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Credit Card Processing for Orlando Businesses

Orlando is best known for Disney World, even though Disney isn’t technically inside the Orlando city limits, and even though the area has lots of other theme parks. These include wax museums, exotic animal parks, craft breweries, ice bars, and even a Harry Potter center. Guests come from miles around and plan their trips months…

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Malibu Businesses can use Credit Card Processing

Beach towns are generally laid-back and easy-going. But when that beach town is in California with easy access to Los Angeles, business can be above average. When many people hear the word Malibu, their first two thoughts are surfing and rum–and their third thought might be related to the Chevy Malibu. That said, Malibu has…

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Behind the Scenes of Credit Card Payments

With a quick swipe of your card on a credit card point-of-sale terminal, you can electronically conduct a transaction whose effects take only moments to unfold.  Nowadays, the common question “Cash or card?” presents the two most common options in paying for goods and services. This article focuses on the latter option, which is rapidly…

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