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What is an Internet Merchant Account?

When starting a new business of any kind, you may consider many different factors. One question that many business owners have is “What is an internet merchant account?” It may seem like a complicated concept, but nothing could be further from the truth. In short, an internet merchant account will enable your business to accept…

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Can You Get a Merchant Account With Bad Credit?

A history of bad credit can follow someone around for years. It can be very difficult to get rid of the impact that having bad credit can leave on someone’s financial life. There are many ways to improve your credit score, but it can take a while for the improvements to show. One of the…

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Getting High-Volume Payment Processing

When you choose the right internet merchant account, it can help your business grow. There are some risk factors that you may wish to take into account as you manage your business. One risk that impacts many businesses is being able to get high-volume payment processing. Some businesses require high-volume payment processing in order to…

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How to Accept Credit Cards on a Cell Phone

Making the business decision to accept credit cards now is an easy one. After all, more and more people are choosing to use their credit cards for purchases. It makes sense to give each customer the option they want. After all, if a customer wants to pay you, shouldn’t you let them? Some people may…

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How to Find the Right Merchant Account

Starting a business is full of tough decisions that will have a lasting impact on your business for years. Having the ability to accept credit cards now is a vital part of running any business. Having a merchant account is necessary in order to accept credit cards. Some businesses struggle to find an internet merchant…

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Coronavirus and Online Shopping

Coronavirus changed many aspects of life very quickly. One of those changes was more people shifting to online shopping. Online shopping numbers exploded in 2020, and are expected to continue to be a permanent shift in the way people shop, even after the pandemic has ended. That’s why there has never been a better time…

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How a Credit Card Swiping Machine Helps Your Business

After starting a business, there are many ways to help it continue to grow. Even if you’re a business owner that currently relies solely on cash for in-store purchases, adding a swiping machine can help your business immensely. As more and more people choose to use credit cards for purchases, having even a manual credit…

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How to Avoid Credit Card Processing Fees

Even after deciding to get an internet merchant account, many decisions have to be made. One decision may seem small but can annoy customers who choose to use online shopping. Charging fees to customers for using a credit card online can annoy customers and may convince them to choose other options.   Having the ability to…

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Keeping Credit Card Information Safe

For any business with an online shopping component, ensuring that customer’s information stays safe is a crucial part of having a business online. After all, customers are not going to come back if their information is compromised. With the right merchant account provider, getting an internet merchant account can ensure that your customer’s information stays…

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Can My Business Accept Credit Cards Online for Free?

Many small businesses dream of finding ways to accept credit cards online for free. Many internet merchant account providers have high or hidden rates and fees that can make it seem unlikely that accepting credit cards for free will be possible. Since many customers don’t like being charged for using their credit cards, it is…

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