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Can My Business Accept Credit Cards Online for Free?

Many small businesses dream of finding ways to accept credit cards online for free. Many internet merchant account providers have high or hidden rates and fees that can make it seem unlikely that accepting credit cards for free will be possible. Since many customers don’t like being charged for using their credit cards, it is important to customers to find businesses that will accept credit cards for free, without charging any additional fees to cardholders for using a credit card.

While there will always be some charge to businesses that accept credit cards, with a merchant account for businesses that have low rates and no hidden fees, the business can pass these savings onto its customers and accept credit cards online, free to the customer. Don’t be surprised if your customers thank your business by returning to purchase more items and recommending your business to others.

People like paying what they expect, and having charges to the customer that are attached to using a credit card can feel like a punishment for paying how the customer wants to pay. Online shopping is becoming more and more common and the trend is expected only to grow. Growing numbers of shoppers also prefer to use credit cards over cash, even in person.

Being able to accept credit cards online without charging an extra fee to the customer is a simple way to help a business grow. With the right provider, internet merchant account services can make it easy to do that. There are also numerous other benefits to accepting credit cards with a high-quality merchant account provider.

Affordable and Effective

When using a high-quality internet merchant account, your business doesn’t have to sacrifice quality over affordability. Neither processing speeds nor security have to come at the other’s expense.

It is vitally important to keep credit card information safe. This should not be sacrificed because a business chooses to accept credit cards online for free to the cardholder. The best internet merchant account services use secure and encrypted processing to make sure that every payment is safe. Cardholders rely on security every time they use a credit card online and your merchant account provider should take that seriously.

This level of security should not mean that the processing slows down. As a small business owner, you should be able to use your money to build your business. Your payment processor should make sure that the payment is deposited in your merchant account within just a few days for quick access.

Getting an Internet Merchant Account

Getting an internet merchant account to be able to accept credit cards online is easy. A merchant account application is available online and once you get a free quote your business can be ready to begin accepting credit cards in as little as one business day with no setup fees.

To find out more about how to accept credit cards online, free to cardholders, or to sign up for a merchant account, you can visit or call (888) 924-2743. can help your business grow and succeed.

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