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Pros And Cons Of Merchant Account Services

Many business owners are considering the idea of using online merchant accounts. With many choices out there, it can seem hard to pick a provider. Regardless of what service they settle on, a merchant account comes with a set of advantages and disadvantages. Pros Of Online Merchant Account Services 1.  Accept credit cards quickly and…

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What Is High-Risk Credit Card Processing?

Business owners that are starting out might not know what high-risk credit card processing is or whether it applies to their business. High-Risk Processing Explained After a credit card transaction takes place and payment has been received by the business, it is still possible for the cardholder to dispute the payment. This is called a…

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Can Businesses Accept Credit Cards Online for Free?

Businesses that know the importance of credit card transactions may be wondering if they can accept credit cards online for free. Unfortunately, businesses can’t completely avoid transaction fees. They are how merchant account providers and payment processors pay their own costs. However, these processing fees can be reduced–sometimes drastically–by selecting the right merchant account provider.…

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Are eChecks Safe? A Guide for Businesses

Many businesses that have been relying solely on in-person or paper transactions have discovered that this is no longer enough. Utility offices, employee payment departments, and businesses that offer long-term subscriptions or large product purchases may be accustomed to accepting paper checks. Now that more and more business has gone online, they’re turning to eCheck…

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What is High Risk Credit Card Processing for Business?

Businesses need diverse payment options in order to hold onto their customers and attract new ones. With the right provider, internet merchant services, are secure, updated automatically, and connected to a business’s website. Some businesses may have heard of high risk credit card processing and may be wondering what it is and how it might…

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How to Choose a High-Volume Merchant Account

For many businesses, high-volume payment processing is a luxury. For some, however, it can be a burden. A business can be overloaded with transactions to the point that its merchant account or website can’t handle it. These businesses can benefit from knowing how to choose a merchant account that can handle high-volume payment processing. To…

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How to Set Up a Website for Businesses

More and more businesses have some kind of online component. However, many businesses struggle to create or refine their online stores during the original transition period, and some have even gone under. In order for practically any online business to succeed, the website needs to accept credit cards. An internet merchant accounts offer the services…

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How Businesses Can Accept Credit Cards on a Cell Phone

Perhaps the most important principle in all of business is that if a customer wants to pay money to the business, then, for goodness sake, let them! That’s why it’s important for businesses to offer their customers as many different payment methods as possible, because one never knows what payment method the next customer will…

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3 Things Every Business Website Needs

Internet merchant accounts are a necessity in 2020 so that businesses can process their customers’ debit and credit cards. However, merchant account providers are useful for helping with other aspects of eCommerce that some businesses may not think of. Their many features can benefit a business’s profit margins in the pandemic by giving customers secure…

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