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Credit Card Processing is Essential for your Online Business

Customer habits and purchasing behavior aren’t what they used to be even just five years ago. Many giant brands have closed up shop or switched to online retail. As the big names bite the dust, the reasons aren’t hard to find.

How We’ve Changed

Purchasing habits have altered dramatically and businesses haven’t been able to keep pace with the changes. They need to recognize, acknowledge, and embrace change and adopt technologies that drive it. There are certain huge shifts in customer sentiment that need to be flagged:

  • Consumers are more confident about sharing information online, making it easier for businesses to understand needs, preferences and budgets
  • Globalization has resulted in availability of products/services across international markets, and in parallel, greater interest in local ones
  • Expectations have scaled new heights and consumers are more informed and educated
  • Brand loyalty is fast becoming a mythical beast. Customers have access to comparison apps that tell them where to get the best deals, signaling the rise of the research junkie consumer
  • Customer experience is a significant deciding factor
  • Online purchasing is popular across demographics, geographies and businesses

Unless you recognize and act on these factors, it’s possible that your business could get left out in the cold.

Why Your Business Should Accept Credit Card Payments

To ensure that your business remains relevant and competitive, healthy and growing, it’s crucial that you embrace new ways of doing business.

Today’s consumer expects and demands an easy, fast, safe and convenient shopping experience and if they don’t find it at your online business website, they’ll find a competitor of yours that will give them what they want. Many small business owners are reluctant to go cashless because they look at the high initial investments they have to make in set-up, equipment, fees, training etc. But studies show that the benefits eclipse the costs significantly. The benefits include:

  • Speed and convenience: Your customer can make the payment from any location, at any time of the day or night and get a notification that informs them that the transaction is successful.
  • Credibility: Accepting credit card payments gives your business more legitimacy. Customers trust their card companies and viewing the card logo on your website reassures them that your website is trustworthy enough to partner with their card company.
  • Reliability: Offering online credit card payments gives customers the assurance that you’re modern and reliable. Today’s Gen Z customer was born into an eco-system that features Google. They’re known as “digital natives” and are very comfortable with technology and expect you to offer them modern payment options.
  • More Options: Customers can use their credit cards to make purchases even if they don’t have the funds in their bank-accounts. They can defer payments or pay by installments. This encourages impulse buying which is one of the biggest revenue earners for online businesses.
  • Extend your reach: Using new tools like affiliate marketing or referrals, you can reach out to new and untapped customer pools.
  • Incentives: Rewarding customers for using their cards can boost return-visits, social media reputation and expansion. Points, freebies, discounts, seasonal offers and value-adds are a great way to cultivate a loyal customer base.

For more information on how credit card processing is essential for your online business, or to sign up for a merchant account, please call (888) 924-2743 or go to

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