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How Can I Avoid Chargebacks?

Occasional chargebacks are an unfortunate reality for many businesses, but they don’t have to be a regular occurrence. A credit or debit card chargeback means that a customer payment transaction that was previously authorized and cleared but is later reversed. The reversal relates to a dispute raised by the customer or their bank, and the…

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What’s the Best Merchant Account for a Small Business?

If you want to get a merchant account service, you have several options at your disposal. It’s important to understand these options and what they mean, since not all merchant account services are created equal – some are better priced, some have more features, and some manage to provide both. In this article, we’re going…

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Questions to Ask About Merchant Credit Card Processing

If you are considering accepting payments by credit or debit card, you will have to select a merchant credit card processor to facilitate your payment transactions. There are plenty of companies offering merchant services, but they don’t all have the same standards or offfer the same services, so choosing the right one for your business…

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How will a Merchant Account benefit my Small Business?

First and foremost, opening a merchant account means that you are giving your customers what they want; multiple payment options! When you give your customers the additional options of paying by credit or debit card, your sales will grow by leaps and bounds. More and more customers are choosing cashless payments! As if an increase…

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How can I Promote my Business as PCI Compliant?

PCI compliance plays a major role in attracting and retaining customers, so if your business is PCI compliant make sure that you don’t waste the opportunity to let your customers know. So what does PCI compliance tell your existing and prospective customers? PCI compliance assures your customers that you have committed to maintaining a prescribed…

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What Was the “First Supper”?

The so-called “First Supper” was the first time a credit card was used to make a purchase.  It occurred on February 9, 1950 when Frank McNamara paid his dinner bill at Major’s Cabin Grill in New York City by using a cardboard card.  This card was the very first credit card, and it went on…

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Ensuring Electronic Payments are Seamless and Secure

Secure and seamless payments are vital to building trust with your customers. It’s a fact that the more people trust you, the more inclined they will be to do business with you. When it comes to accepting credit or debit card payments, building customer trust is not only up to you. The merchant account service…

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Accepting Credit Cards Make it Easier for Your Customers

Customers can buy your goods or pay for your services using cash, checks, credits cards, bank transfers, or mobile payment systems. Of all those options, the credit card is still the most popular. It’s convenient and is less bulky than coins or paper currency. It also offers additional benefits to customers, which is another reason…

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Payment Gateways vs. Merchant Accounts

When customers buy something from your physical store, they swipe their card through an electronic card reader. It might be attached to the cash register, or it might be a portable unit that your server, delivery person, or shop assistant brings to you. On the other hand, when they’re buying something on your website, they…

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How Do CVV Codes Protect Against Fraud?

Take a quick look at your credit card, debit card, or ATM card. At the front, you see your name, your account number, and your card number. Depending on the type of card you have, there might be an additional set of numbers above your card number or on the back. For American Express cards,…

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