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You Can Accept Credit Card Payments anywhere – Here’s How

Consumers carry different types of credit cards, depending on where they live, and their lifestyle. Some prefer loyalty cards for their favorite stores. Customers who travel a lot may prefer a card that gathers frequent flyer miles. Some prefer ATM cards that can be used as if they were a credit card.

Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are among the most ubiquitous. Their popularity means they’re more likely to be accepted in more locations, whether in a big city or a small town.

The travelling sales card

In these remote areas, your business can accept cards via portable credit card terminals. Find a payment processor that offers them at no extra charge. On the other hand, you could opt for a smartphone payment app. This works both for out-of-the-way businesses and travelling sales teams. They don’t need bulky POS (point-of-sale) equipment.

As long as there’s a good signal or WiFi, sales teams and customers can use their mobile phones to make and receive payments. These apps are sometimes offered for free as well.

Virtual stores for widespread customers

Of course the most natural way to shop in today’s world is online. Consumers can access web stores from anywhere, as long as they have internet access. Work with a payment processor that allows customers to pay you directly on the web. Ensure the payment processor you work with uses high levels of encryption, and that they’re PCI compliant. This protects customers from identity theft and other forms of card fraud.

For more information on how to accept credit card payments anywhere, or to sign up for you’re a merchant account, please call (888) 924-2743 or go to

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