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Every day independent business people hit the road to somewhere to conduct business. Some travel long distances and others stay regional. Most stay local. This vibrant army of entrepreneurs is using their skills and talents to keep America rolling along to the tune of simple but profound tenets (among others, of course):

  • Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.
  • Find a need and fill it.
  • Necessity is the mother of invention.

All independent business owners need to get paid no matter how far from their office they travel. The solution is mobile credit card processing. No matter where you are you can accept credit cards as payment if you have a smart phone or tablet and Wi-Fi.

Freedom to do business whenever you like

 Set up a merchant account for your business, even if you are your only employee. will set up your service and equipment so you can accept credit card payments in a short time.

Swipe a client’s credit card in the terminal on your phone or tablet and you will automatically immediately and automatically contact the card issuer for approval. You will get an approval code and give the client a printed receipt. The money is in your account within 72 hours.

Who travels with a mobile card processor on their phone or iPad?

There are many for whom mobile credit card acceptance keeps income steadily flowing into their merchant account. Here are just a few:

  • Everyone who wants to get paid at the time and place of service no matter where that might be
  • Swim instructors, piano teachers or academic tutors or other professionals coming to a customer’s home
  • A sought after hair stylist who needs to travel when demanding clients are scattered hither and yon
  • Contractors and trade professionals, such as electricians, plumbers, and technicians
  • People who work at festivals or trade shows
  • And many others!

With a mobile credit card processor these self-employed artisans have access to more buyers (up to 80% more, according to studies) than if they only accepted cash.

Is mobile credit card processing safe?

The answer is yes–when your merchant account service is with  The security of their customers data is’s single highest priority.’s equipment and software complies with the highest payment card industry standards. even uses military grade encryption to protect your transactions and your customers’ sensitive information. has been rated the best merchant account provider for six years in a row with accolades from well-known corporations. They have been on the web for well over twenty years. That kind of longevity in what is a relatively new technology speaks to their integrity. There’s no charge to apply, so sign up now and call 1-888-924-2743 or visit


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