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Is Free Credit Card Payment Processing Available?

Using an internet merchant account can come with fees that require you to pass costs on to your customers when they use their credit cards. While it is legal for businesses to do this in many states, customers can often find it extremely annoying. Providing free credit card payment processing to your customers can help you make more sales and increase customer loyalty.

Free credit card payment processing for your customers is possible when you get a merchant account with price assurance to make sure that you are getting the lowest cost available anywhere. With the right merchant account provider, this will not come at the cost of sacrificing high-quality processing. Your business can process credit card payments quickly and securely, while being able to pass savings on to customers so that they only have to pay for the products and services that they are buying.

Happy Customers

Customers are making more and more purchases with a credit card instead of cash, which is possible when a business has a merchant account. With this shift to credit, comes the risk of having to add surcharges to a purchase. By providing free credit card payment processing to your customers, this does not have to be an issue.

When customers know that they are only paying for the price of the items they are purchasing, they can be more likely to enjoy your business and come back again and again. Many customers want convenience over anything else, and having to pay more for using their preferred method is not convenient. Having free credit card payment processing for your customers can help make them happy.

When customers are happy, don’t be surprised if they come back. With repeat customers, your business can grow faster and in new ways. With an internet merchant account, your business can accept payments in multiple ways and expand its reach. When you don’t have to cover hidden fees, you can use that money how you need in order to grow your business as well.

Payment Processing

Having a way of processing payments with price assurance does not mean giving up on high-quality services. Having an internet merchant account will allow your business to process credit card payments quickly and securely.

Even with free credit card payment processing for your customers, credit card purchases can be processed quickly and accurately. Customers will not only like how they won’t get any surcharges for using their credit card, but they will also like how quickly their purchases are processed.

All credit card purchases are also processed securely with an internet merchant account. Customer information stays safe, no matter where and how the purchase was made. Customers will trust that their information will stay safe every time.


Free credit card payment processing for your customers measn that your business will process credit card payments without giving customers surcharges. With an internet merchant account, all processing is completed securely and quickly. This accurate processing can help your business grow as more customers move to your business. Get high-quality credit card processing without having to pay high fees. 

To find out more about free credit card payment processing for your customers or to sign up for an internet merchant account, you can visit or call (888)924-2743. No matter what you sell or how you sell it, can help your business grow and succeed.

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