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Eliminate Credit Card Surcharges by Offering Customers Free Credit Card Processing

Starting a retail business of any kind can be challenging. The constantly changing market and the task of reaching potential customers provide different kinds of challenges for every retail business. Once a business has those customers, it is also important to keep them. Eliminating credit card surcharges with free credit card processing for your customers can help keep customers coming back.

Credit card surcharges can be commonplace for some businesses to cover the cost of credit card processing that can come with a retail merchant account. Customers often find these processing fees annoying because they have to account for new charges on top of what they’re already paying for. In a competitive market, it could be a deciding factor for some customers if they come back.

Free credit card processing for customers provides secure and quick processing at a low price for businesses. Quality credit card processing for a retail merchant account does not have to come with a high price tag. All businesses can take advantage of low-priced processing to increase customer satisfaction by offering that processing to customers at no additional charge. 

Customer Satisfaction

The retail market is competitive. Conditions can changes quickly, and any decision, no matter how small, can have a large impact on how well a business does. Having a retail merchant account to process credit card payments will go a long way toward ensuring that customers can pay the way that they want to, but if those payments come with additional surcharges, this can prevent customers from coming back.

By offering customers free credit card processing for their purchases, the savings a business receives for processing payments at a low cost can be passed on to the customer. They can be happy that they only pay for what they’re purchasing and don’t have to calculate any additional charges. As customers learn that they can use their credit cards without additional charges, they can be more likely to come back.

High-Quality Processing

Businesses look for a retail merchant account that will process credit card payments securely and quickly. With all of the sensitive information exchanged with every credit card use, customers want to know that their information will be kept safe. Businesses want this too, and they also want to process payments quickly to get to the next customer.

Having free credit card processing does not mean choosing price over quality. Vendors provide high-quality processing for businesses while also keeping prices low to pass those savings to customers. Businesses and customers can be satisfied with how quickly and securely credit card purchases are processed without having to pay high fees for them.


Having a retail merchant account is a crucial first step for helping a business grow by processing credit card payments. Free credit card processing for customers will also help keep a business competitive by eliminating surcharges for customers. This low-cost processing is still high-quality and will process credit card payments quickly and securely for increased customer satisfaction.

To learn more about free credit card processing or to sign up for a merchant account, you can visit or call (888)924-2743. No matter what you sell or how you sell it, can help your business grow and succeed.   

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