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Easy Credit Card Payment Means a Better Shopping Experience … and More Sales!

If you believe that credit card payments are only suited to online sales and in-store shopping, you are mistaken. Credit card payments can be accepted by any type of business – be it an on-the-road service provider, a seller taking telephone orders or a business fulfilling email orders, just to mention a few. All businesses can, and should be accepting credit card payments to ensure continued success and ongoing increase in sales.

The buying public is becoming more accustomed to instant results, and this includes modes of payment. They do not want to waste time with writing out checks or making electronic payments, they want to pay by credit card – quick, simple and painless. If your business is still relying only on cash or check payments there is no doubt that many potential sales will be lost.

You don’t have to be an expert on cashless trading or have any hi-tech equipment already installed before searching for a suitable merchant services provider. When you contact a merchant services provider like you will immediately find yourself in the hands of expert consultants who will take you through every option, process and requirement that will suit your business to get you setup to accept credit card payments.

Offering cutting edge software and equipment, no setup fees, no cancellation fees, an effortless online application process and a simple straightforward pricing structure, will help you take your business up a level towards increased sales. With over twenty years experience in the merchant credit card processing industry including six years rated number one in the industry, you can rest assured that you are placing your business in expert hands.

Once your system has been setup to accept credit card payments through, you will be secure in the fact that you can accept every major credit card including Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. You can also keep trading hours that suit you because operate a live 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year toll-free support line to assist you right away should any technical hitch arise.

Depending on your business requirements you will be equipped with a free credit card machine with built-in printer or card-reader for your computer, Smartphone or tablet, OR a web-based virtual credit card terminal for instant easy manual processing of credit card orders, OR a free online shopping cart for seamless checkout without having the payment process routed from your website to that of your payment processors.

With all of this in place all that is left for you to do is watch your sales increase day-by-day! You know that your business will see increased sales if you accept credit card payments, so why delay for even another day? now at or call 1-888-924-2743 to speak to an expert consultant.

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