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Are Cell Phones a Secure Way to Accept Credit Cards?

As more and more people choose to pay using credit cards rather than other forms of payment, businesses can benefit by being ready to accept credit cards on a cell phone. By using a cell phone to process credit card payments there will never be a reason to turn away any customer for not being able to pay with cash.

Some business owners may wonder if sufficiently secure merchant services exist to keep credit card payments made a cell phone safe. Being able to accept credit cards on a cell phone does not mean having to sacrifice security for convenience, speed, or flexibility. With an internet merchant account, it is possible to have all of these things. 

Secure merchant services can be used for a wide variety of credit card payment methods, including payments made using cell phones. Several businesses rely on being able to use basic technology that nearly everyone already has in order to process credit card payments.

Keep Payments Secure

Being able to accept credit cards on a cell phone does not have to mean choosing between secure merchant services versus convenient processing. Cell phones are already trusted to send important messages and use critical apps. They can also be trusted to keep credit card information safe.

Merchant accounts use integrated payment processing so that all payments are processed through secure merchant services no matter how the credit card was used. When a business can accept credit cards on a cell phone, both they and their customers can know that the credit card information will be kept safe and secure with every use.

Payments are also processed quickly with secure merchant services. Make sure that everyone knows that the payment was processed accurately with an internet merchant account.

Businesses that Rely on Cell Phones

Though cell phones may be an unorthodox way of accepting credit cards for now, many businesses can depend on these common tools to process payments. Businesses in taxi services or businesses that have traveling employees may particularly benefit from the ability to accept credit cards on a cell phone.

Any business can use cell phones to accept credit cards. Whether a business is at a temporary location or simply wants a way to process a credit card anywhere, being able to accept credit cards on a cell phone is a great way to always meet the customers’ needs with secure merchant services.


Being able to accept credit cards on a cell phone is a great way for businesses to accept credit cards anywhere. Secure merchant services make it possible for credit cards to be processed safely and quickly, even when made on a cell phone.

To find out more about how to accept credit cards on a cell phone or to sign up for a merchant account, you can visit or call (888)924-2743. can help your business grow and succeed.

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