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What is a Merchant Bank?

When you open an online store, you may design an ecommerce website, install a shopping cart, and facilitate payment options. On the surface, the process is pretty simple. Your customer visits your online store, puts their items in your online shopping cart, proceeds to checkout, and securely enters their credit card details. Depending on your preference,…

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The Rising Debate Over the Cashless Trend

A growing number of Washington businesses, and other establishments across America, are refusing to accept cash in favor of card and mobile payments. While most consumers prefer the convenience of paying by card, is completely removing the option to pay using cash really a good business move? Benefits of not accepting cash payments Companies going…

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Are ACH Payments Safe?

Automated Clearing House (ACH) has become a buzzword in the business world. It’s a network that links banks in the US, allowing them to safely and seamlessly transfer money to each other. ACH debits are only processed once or twice a day, but because they’re all done in a single electronic batch, it can significantly…

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Assuring Customers That Their Data is Safe

The modern American is all too familiar with the concept of credit card fraud, but they still can’t live without their credit cards. It’s too deeply ensconced in their lives. So rather than focusing their security efforts on their cards, they keep a closer eye on the spaces where they do their shopping. The savvy…

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Still Believe Cash is King?

Are you struggling to decide whether to remain cash-only or start accepting credit card payments? By accepting credit card payments, whether online or in-store, your business stands to gain unimaginable rewards. Why businesses choose not to accept credit card payments One of the greatest fears of accepting card payments is the financial responsibility and security…

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PCI Compliance for Your Business – What to Know

Depending on where Google has led you in your searches on this topic, you might be looking at 6 principles of PCI, or 12 recommendations for PCI. They refer to the same thing – and it’s actually six concepts sub-divided into twelve action points. These requirements were designated by the Payment Card Industry Council, and…

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5 Things to Consider When Getting a Merchant Account

How do you pick a suitable merchant account provider for your business? Here are some tips. Type of business Is your business service-oriented? Do you go to customers or do they come to you? If you have to accept payment in the field, you should consider mobile apps or electronic keypads. These allow the customer…

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How Accepting Credit Cards Can Boost Sales

How does it feel to pay your power bill, see your favorite concert / ball game, or buy new shoes? If you think about it, the emotions related to those purchases are varied, even if the amount of money used may be similar. Behavioral economists describe this as the ‘pain of paying’, and it’s related…

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Accept Payments and Grow Your Business

Take a moment to think over your activities in the past few days. Maybe even make a special note of anything you bought, whether it was gas for your car or gum before a date. Do your purchases have anything in common, as far as you can tell? Statistically speaking, four out of five purchases…

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A Brief History of the Credit Card Machine

It may seem difficult to think of a time before credit cards, but they’re actually a fairly recent invention. As legend has it, it all began when a businessman took some clients out to dinner but discovered he had forgotten his wallet. Upset about having to bailed out by his wife, the experience sparked the…

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