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Merchant Processing

A Merchant Processing account is easy to establish and starts at coming to an agreement with a merchant service provider like  The first step in getting a merchant account is opening a merchant account with a credit card processing company.  Usually this involves an application process where your personal credit is run and considered in determining the amount of risk the merchant services provider is willing to take on offering you a merchant account.  There are many account types and options available depending on the type of merchant processing you need to do.

The first question you need to ask is this… “Am I going to be selling products in a store, or online?”  This is important because if you have a physical location or will be selling products that require swiping a credit card using a terminal, you will need a credit card terminal.  If you are selling products online, there is usually no need for a credit card terminal which will cut down on the monthly costs of obtaining a merchant processing account.

Once you determine what kind of account you want to open, you will want to understand the company’s fees and expenses.  Some companies can charge outrageous fees or transaction percentages so be sure your contract is fair.  Using a large company like will give you better rates as they have a higher volume of customers and can provide better terms than smaller firms.

Merchant Processing accounts are a fundamental part of your company’s operations and an integral process in getting paid by customers.  Working with an established company is important because any downtime can result in loss of revenue, trust with customers and a damaged reputation.  That’s why is the only merchant service company you should consider when trying to obtain a merchant processing account.

If you have more questions, get them answered.